Berinsfield Neighbourhood Development Plan

THIS WILL AFFECT YOU! Your future, your decision. Houses are going to be built, help decide where they are going!!

The Scoping document that includes information about Berinsfield is available on the BNDP Documents page. Please take a look and let us know what you think. 

Berinsfield Parish Council applied to designate the area within the Parish Boundary as the Berinsfield Neighbourhood Area and this was approved by the Head of Planning at South Oxfordshire District Council on 25th October, 2013. This means that work can now start on preparing the Berinsfield Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Neighbourhood Development Planning starts for Berinsfield

The Localism Act 2011 introduced statutory Neighbourhood Planning in England. It enables communities like Berinsfield to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for their area and is intended to give communities more of a say in the future development of their local area. These plans will be used to decide the future of the places where you live and work giving opportunities to: 
  • Choose where you want new homes, shops, offices and leisure facilities to be built
  • Have your say on what new buildings should look like
  • Grant planning permission for the new buildings you want to see go ahead
South Oxfordshire District Council has now approved the boundary of the Berinsfield NDP area which runs to the full extent of the Parish Boundary, not just the edge of the settlement (see the plan above).

This is an exciting time for Berinsfield as localism is all about empowering local residents, employers and other stakeholders to decide themselves where new homes and employment should go.

Berinsfield like so many other areas will need to find space(s) for new homes, shops and offices. The latest figures provided by SODC are that at least 109 new homes will need to be built in or around Berinsfield over the next 13 years (the life of the SODC Core Strategy).


Approved Boundary Area Map

All of Berinsfield and the surrounding area currently sits within the Oxford Green Belt and this is preventing the much needed regeneration of some parts of the village. There will be a review of the Green Belt in and around Berinsfield and it is likely that if the village do not wish to build on existing green space within the village that some land around the village will need to be taken out of the Green Belt to make way for future growth. The Parish council has formed a Steering Group made up of Parish Councillors and local people with knowledge of the village and its history and future needs. The Steering Group is open for anyone to join as long as they live, work or have an interest in the village. The NDP can’t force houses, shops or offices to be built on certain land but it can designate areas for specific land uses which means developers will know before they buy land what the likely chances are of being able to build on it and what sort of homes and buildings the community would like to see there. The Steering Group’s job is to consult with the full community, draft a strategic neighbourhood plan and then call a village referendum to vote on the proposals. The Government will need to examine the plan to ensure it does propose the minimum number of houses SODC want the village to provide for and to ensure it conforms to local and national planning policies.

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