South Oxfordshire District Council own and maintain the following open space areas in Berinsfield :-
- The long area of open space from the Corrigan Gym to Burcot Lane
- The open space area on the corner of Fane Drive and Burcot Lane
- The green behind the Church between Wimblestraw Road and Green Furlong
- Green area by Water Tower
- Strip of land in front of houses in Wimblestraw Road.
Facilities provided and owned by South Oxfordshire District Council
- South Oxfordshire District Council own the seats and litter bins located on the green behind the Church between Wimblestraw Road and Green Furlong.
- The litter bins located in front of the shops and public house in Fane Drive and the bins located outside Health Centre and on the verge by the Church.
- The litter bins located by the bus shelters on the A 4074
The bins owned by South Oxfordshire District Council will have blue plastic sacks in them and are emptied by Biffa.
Any complaints with regard to the land in the ownership of South Oxfordshire District Council can be forwarded to the Clerk to the Parish Council who will forward them on to the relevant Department. Email : or telephone 01235 422422.
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