
This is one of the first surveys to include the businesses based in Berinsfield. 8% who responded to the survey run their own businesses. 52% stated they didn't need more assistance, although 9% were interested in smaller business units. 77% do not recruit locally although 25% of those residents surveyed would like to work on the village. When local businesses were asked : 'Would you be interested in joining an association for local businesses?' or 'Would you participate in a website for local businesses?' 75% said 'No' and 67% would not be interested in participating in a Berinsfield business directory or events to promote local businesses.

When asked what kind of support would be required when looking for work 66% indicated they were not looking for work and 5% stated that they didn't require support. However, an interest was expressed for an Advice Centre, 'Job Postings (library, BIVC)', Employment Surgery and Employment workshops.

Of those surveyed 12% work from home or in Berinsfield, 49% work outside the village, 8% were unemployed and 32% are retired.

employment in berinsfield graph